Did you noticed America was shut down today?


Veteran Expediter
Not to insult you, but there is no – absolutely no correlation between the institute of slavery/indentured servitude and the invader problem.


Veteran Expediter
oh look what I found
[a href="/s/ap/20060521/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/mexico_limiting_immigrants;_ylt=AnQB3JKjo8wNKTfHp5iB5H2s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3ODdxdHBhBHNlYwM5NjQ-"]Mexico Works to Bar Non-Natives From Jobs[/a]


Veteran Expediter
In my oponion we should set up a machine gun every 250 yards all the way across the border and build a fence with bones.


Expert Expediter
Forget the fence!!!!1
Paul Harvey has the right idea.
We dig a very large moat across the western states
borders with Mexico.
Ship the dirt to New Orleans to help rebuild the city.
Then fill the moat with alligators and crocodiles imported from
Whitewolf 53


:p :p :p :p :p :p :p
:9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9


Veteran Expediter
This entire situation has been caused by both POLITICAL PARTIES, playing games with $ and peoples lives. This border should have been guarded long ago, as I said above $ and peoples lives.

I am currently sitting in Laredo, TX. Saturday evening I sat at Chilis next to a Father (60) and son (28). Best conversation I have had down here. But the best of all was whitnessing the relationship and respect these two had for each other.

I for one do not blame them for being here, I blame our country for not guarding our border, and making them learn English as so they can drive on the correct side of a freeway when it says DO NOT ENTER

Please if you VOTE do not vote another person into a life of luxury, time and time again. Once is enough if you cannot accomplish a job in one term, the second is for corruption, etc.. Example just look at the Politican (Jefferson I believe was his name) in New Orleans. 90K in a freezer yeah cold cash....