Der Little Fur Cap


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
The following poem was found within my late father's belongings. Now that all the stores are displaying Christmas decorations, it's a good time to share with all.

Der Little Fur Cap

Der next night vas Christmas,
der night it vas still.

Der stockings vas hung
by der chimney to fill.

Nodding vas stirring
at all in der haus,

for fear dot St Nicholas
might schmell a mouse.

Der kinder had pottied und
gone to der bed,
und Mudder in nightgown,
und I up ahead.

Ve vas searching around
in der trunk fer der toys.

Ve crept around quiet,
to not make ein noise.

Now Mudder vas carrying
toys in her gown,

showing her person
from vaistline on down.

Ven as ve came near
to der crib of our boy,

our youngest und sveetest,
our pride und our choy.

His eyes opened wide,
und he peeped from der cot,

und seen every thing
dot his Mudder has got.

But he didn't take notice
of toys in her lap,

he chust asked, "For who
ist der liddle fur cap?"

Und Mudder said, "Hush,"
und she laughed mit delight.

"I tink I give dot
to your poppa tonight!"


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
Thanks for the laugh..LOL...

(note to self, do not take drink before reading jokes.. Diet Pepsi burns the nose.... )

Forums Administrator


[b][i]"If you don't have the time to do something right,
where are you going to find the time to fix it?"

-Stephen King [/b][/i]

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