Debbie Lee is Retiring


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
I was talking by phone to long-time dispatcher and agent Debbie Lee a couple days ago and she said she is retiring at the end of June. She put 20 years into the company and it is time to move on, she said.

I know a lot of contractors who have more energy on Debbie Lee than they have on other dispatchers and agents, and at times I have been among them. But as I come to terms with the news that she is leaving, I feel a sense of loss.

In those times when things develop out here where a dispatcher could help by going to bat for the driver, there is no one I would rather have in my corner than Debbie Lee. There have been times when Debbie Lee and Diane and me have produced above-and-beyond-the-call customer service miracles that delighted the customer, and left the three of us standing proud of the job we did.

Good luck, Debbie Lee. We had our moments but I am sorry to see you go. :(
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Seasoned Expediter
I don't know what you mean by "have more energy on". I should write down the names and initials of all the dispatchers, but I haven't as yet. There are Debbies and Debras. Hopefully Debbie has been one of the helpful ones my wife and I have talked to. She must have been good-20 years is a long time, when many dispatchers have come and gone even over the past year.