Computer Ban?


Veteran Expediter
There is much talk about outlawing text messaging and cell phone use while driving. Here is an article about how that might include in-cab computer devices as well...

If this bill is passed it will not affect us in any way.

Our Qual-comm is mounted (by our choice) behind the passenger seat on the wall in the forward sleeper. One of several things will happen if it beeps. Either we pull into the next rest area, truckstop, or safely off the interstate onto an exit ramp, or whomever is not driving deals with it. If none of that happens, it can simply wait, or dispatch can call us on our hands free.

Theres no need for legislation here! We're all about safety.
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Seasoned Expediter
Either I pull into the next rest area, truckstop, or safely of the interstate onto an exit ramp, or whomever is not driving deals with it. If none of that happens, it can simply wait, or dispatch can call me on our hands free.


Expert Expediter
And in a recent development, I hear that California will soon ban mirrors because of the amount of time your eyes are off the road when you check them.