Comment On Locked thread


Veteran Expediter
If you read the thread that was locked due to personal attacks and questioning of others experience etc, you will see this is the same type of thing that has happened in the past. When this happens the cycle takes time to clear itself up and while that time is taking place the site becomes pot shot heaven and nobody benefits in anyway.

This also turns off new people who happen to look at it during that time period. Can we not fall into the trap we all agreed we would not fall into again. Remember we had the discussion as to how we all had things to offer and we could all take the advice or leave it.

In any case I hope we are not about to see all the finger pointing and child like fighting that we have seen in the past.

Just my input. Hope it helps.



Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
Thanks for the input and reminder Raceman. I hope everyone will take a deep breath and step back for a sec before responding in such situations.



Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Good points Raceman.
That is why I thought not to respond to the locked thread.
My credentials and history are known by most.

As Dreamer said, keep it light and informative without the need to take shots.
