cab boot repair


Expert Expediter
Hi.....I am trying to find out where we can get the boot fixed on our fl70 it is tore next to the cab and when it rains it drips inside real bad....I have tried to fix it with silicone and elastic roofing cement and it just doesnt work...Do you know where we can get this fixed and about how much would it cost....Oh yeah i am not interested in alumi bunk they have all ready screwed our truck up once and we won't give them a second chance....thanks for all your help


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Most truck dealers could repair it, but they may have to order the boot from AB.
The other option is to have someone like Bentz or ICT repair it. They might be able to fabricate one to fit.
Price will depend on how the original was installed and the size of the opening.


Expert Expediter
Hi .....thanks Dave i will pass this on to the owner so he can check into it....I assume they have to take the cab off to do that but i dont have a clue ...any way thanks

The Gibster

Expert Expediter
I've seen it done for considerably less money by the folks we used to lease from. They bought the boot material and took all the old silicone material off the top.

Then they cut the new piece to overlap the sides by a foot each side. Then to anchor the new material they went to a sheet metal shop and got metal about an inch wide, and bent the ends to match the curve of the boot. The metal was then anchored over the boot material where it butted against the cab and the sleeper by screwing the boot between the metal and the fiberglass.

It's not the most custom looking repair, but it's not bad either. And it's quite a bit less expensive than the alternatives. They haven't had another leak on those repaired.

Not as good as a factory re-boot, but it'll work.

Get'er done.


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Unless it is something very different from the norm, the cab or sleeper doesn't have to be removed.
