C-7 Cat engine


Seasoned Expediter
I am looking to purchase a 2005 Sterling with a C-7 Caterpillar engine and would like to know if anyone had any problems or comments about the engine.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I've got one with a C9 and find it an adequate engine. The C7 is pretty small. I'd probably not choose one for myself but I've been accused of being an engine snob and requiring too much engine to be satisfied. What is the hp/tq rating of the C7 you are looking at?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
For a 26k truck 210hp might be marginally adequate. For a 33k truck that's nowhere near enough to suit me. My small engine Sterling has the MBE960 engine at 300/860 and it's marginal fully loaded in my opinion. I'd consider that C7 underpowered unless you're talking about a C unit at 26k max gvw.


Seasoned Expediter
Thanks for the info. The truck is rated 25500 gvw. I am more curious if anyone has had any problems with this engine as far as repairs needed and how long the engine should last until an overhaul is needed.


Veteran Expediter
The Cat C7 is the newest version of the 3126. Not exactly sure of the year it changed, but believe it was 2004. 210 HP was all I ever ran in my 26000 GVW 24 foot Sterling. It gave me 11 miles to the gallon and did me a good job. You can look back at previous posts on the 3126. There has been several of them.


Moderator Emeritus
like leo said hp/tq is good. i had two 3126 300hp engines and they were adequate. it was tuff to pull the mountains into albuqurque but you don't do that all the time. it was fine in the poconos and appalachians of smaller size.
i just got into a 220 hp truck and the difference is astounding. i just drove the truck 50 miles home but it was tuff to get the engine to 65 mph and that is empty!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
210 HP was all I ever ran in my 26000 GVW 24 foot Sterling. It gave me 11 miles to the gallon and did me a good job.

If I was never going to be above 26k and sometimes below that I might be able to live with only 210hp. If you had to go up to 29-32k with that same 210hp probably most people would feel underpowered. I don't think you need a 600hp ISX for a D unit but for a 33k truck I felt the 300/860 engine I have was minimally acceptable. It all has to be a personal decision of course.


Active Expediter
I bought a new 2008 F650 a year ago with a c-7 and have 30,000 miles. At 1800 miles it blew the turbo, the emmissions spark plug failed, 2 injectors failed, and it was in for regen until I had the switchs added. It has 230hp and 570ft/lbs of torque and very disappointed with proformance