Board Bouncing


Expert Expediter
I am sitting at a Flying J on the Dayton and Columbus Ohio boards. I was one exit south earlier. Moved Closer to Columbus and dropped a position on the Columbus board. Has this happened to other Panther drivers? I've heard you can move across the parking lot and have this happen. Don't like this.


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
Not moving acrossed the parking lot, but it can happen moving to another exit. It is based on a 50 mile radius. If you drive out of that, you fell off of that board nless your the only truck.
Not a bad trade off. Dayton is a great board. We loaded out of there today for SC.

22 years
EO moderator


Expert Expediter
I had one tell me it could happen just moving to another zip.. but its a coputer thang not a dispatch thang. so will out of truck... and i accidently hit out of service and immediately corrected it thinking no prob ...i went from 2nd to 10th..dispatch showed mercy and corrected it


Expert Expediter
Dave, I am aware of the fifty mile radius rule. I was 30+ miles from Dayton (3rd truck on board) and around 45 miles from Columbus (fourth truck on board). I stated, I moved closer to Columbus and dropped on the board ( fifth truck on board). Stayed same position on Dayton board. I have also heard you can drop a position on the board without even moving because of a sattelite aberration pinging a truck in a different position even tho the truck didn't move.

Foot fetish person....... Definitely a computer error. Dispatchers wouldn't do that on their own.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Haven't heard or had that happen with our trucks. Your pings should show that, which are available on the internet. Every time it pings you, it is posted. Up in that area, they usually do enough loads, I wouldn't really worry about board position.

22 years
EO moderator


Expert Expediter
Right Dave, but it happens. I did find out if you stay in the fifty mile radius you can move up to thirty miles and it shouldn't effect the position, but that is at one's own risk.