AT&T Service is it improving?


Staff member
Over the past year I have noticed improved connectivity. It also seems that the amount of dropped calls has gone down considerably.

Any other AT&T users experience the same thing?


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
Seems to work pretty decent. And that is in the middle of nowhere TN and at the coast in FL.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
Over the past year I have noticed improved connectivity. It also seems that the amount of dropped calls has gone down considerably.

Any other AT&T users experience the same thing?

We have AT&T for our cell phones, home phone, internet, and cable service. I also have their air card for my laptop.

I haven't seen any difference in cell service or the air card, but the home service is great.

When I was on the road prior to my surgery, I called the wife every night and we could count on the call being dropped at least once, sometimes more. Record is 4 times in 45 minutes, and I wasn't moving at the time.

Everytime I call customer service, they say I am in a low coverage area. I've also had the air card say I'm in said low coverage area, yet the phone, which is two feet away, says I'm not.

I don't think any of the others carriers are that much different though.


Expert Expediter
Should improve a lot by the end of the year with the addition of T-Mobile's towers.

Posted with my Droid EO Forum App


Veteran Expediter
I switched my data coverage to Verizon in February. The difference is amazing. Verizon has them beat on data coverage by leaps and bounds.

I'll be switching to Verizon on the phone service too, but mainly because Verizon built a new tower close to the house. Until now, we had little to no signal around home with any carrier. With the new tower we have full signal 3G coverage with Verizon.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I don't see any difference in cellular or data with ATT compared to when I signed up a couple years ago. My other phone is T-Mobile so I hope the merger helps both to have better coverage and signal strength. I was and still am considering moving from T-Mobile to Verizon when my contract is up.