Anyone ever had a sleeper added onto?


Veteran Expediter
Okay.....Sunday is my 'scheming' day. A lot of crazy crap works it's way through my brain on Sundays. Don't know why, but please bear with me.

We have a 72" Bentz sleeper now. It is not the kind that goes over the cab of the truck, but rather, you walk (or crouch) into the sleeper, where you can stand.

As my wife and I are loathe to have any truck payments after this one is paid for, we are exploring options to make our current situation more enjoyable. A 96" sleeper would be ideal for us. There is a place in Western Kentucky that does it, but we have not gotten to prices or whether he can do it yet.

Anyone ever have it done? Like the results? Worth the money?

Another option would be for us to simply replace the sleeper with a larger one.

I'm dying to hear others' opinions.


Not a Member
What size box do you have? a 22 ft? if so, you could get a 20 ft to give you 2 extra ft for a bigger sleeper without cutting and stretching the frame, or moving the rear axle back. I had a 20' box on one of my trucks- actually, a 26 ft with a 6 ft sleeper built into it, with 20 ft was a 110" high by 98 wide inside. I could get 10 skids on the floor, spun around sideways.I have entertained the idea of getting a truck that would support a 30'box as far as wheelbase is concerned, and building a 10' sleeper inside of that.There were only a few times that freight was tight in the 20' cargo area.And another idea I thought of was having two boxes made, one for cargo, and one for a sleeper, a little shorter than the cargo box, slanted at the front, with a stepwell built into the side, with a rv style door built in.You would not believe how nice it is to have that,I put that one the box that I built the sleeper in.The screen door was a blessing in so many ways.I would use that for an entrance alot more often than the crawl through that I made.The only thing I did not do was make a stepwell like a rv has, instead, I had steps made on the outside from under the box to about 12 inches away from the ground, with grab rails on both sides of the door.there was even an outside porch light.Oh yea, supreme quoted me at $3,800 for an 102x120"longx 7 ft high shell with a cutout in the front and stepwell on the side with the side door installed, supplied by me.just make the door wide enough to be able to get the widest object you have in and out of the sleeper.hope these ideas help.


Veteran Expediter
AA sleepers , Ft. worth , have some left over sleepers (3) (last time i was there).
the owner got repossessed after the sleepers was build and before he got them the trucks.
go figure,,,
at any case , i think that for the money they are the best (or at least one of), and they are very good & quick in small sleepers.
depending on your truck , in many cases they cannot be build top over , they can tell you.


Veteran Expediter
What a novel idea!!! EvansAddOns has it goin' On don't they?! WOW. That is really cool. I could see that being worthy investment, esp. on rigs that do shows and races and special touring circuits.

in a 96" sleeper, you can have a shower and toilet seperately. Many opt to have it as one unit (for space) but then (like in a couples arrangement) one is unable to use the pot while the other is shower. Rare, but it does come in handy to have shower and toilet seperate.

On the side entry door note... in the steps... incorporate flip up compartments to have storage within your steps... very handy for tools, beverages, and canned goods, along with toiletries and/or cleaning products of all kinds.
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