A little humor and a question


Veteran Expediter
As most of you know I have been running dedicated for a while now and have come to like it. Well it is ok. My question is, Is business picking up? I have to admit being dedicated and no longer playing fleet owner, I have not kept up except with rumors from those I run into at my picks and drops.

Now for the funny part. If you read Truck Talk you have seen I had a boo boo. Well I had read the Thread on Waxing and fuel mileage so I thought what the heck, Lets clean her up. Now keep in mind the ole girl had been running just fine. Oh I should mention I also read a little about oil and fuel additives.

So I cleaned her up, threw some Lucase in the tanks and some with the fresh oil change and waxed and polished the cab and all the chrome including the wheels. Did all this out in the far end of my customers lot. Finished just in time to pull through the gate for pick up. A guy who had saw me cleaning on yells "I like your style" as he passes me heading for the door into the Docks. Bam caught my box door on an I beam. Now I was wondering did he mean because I cleaned it well or because I hit the door frame. I can only guess. But the door would now not close or lay against the box and I was about 50 miles from home. As I went across 32 and 275 at 1600 at about 35 stopping to apply new duct tape every 5 miles, I learned why so many of you turn off your CB.

Now the door is not fixed properly yet. Because the hinges that Alumi Bunk uses have to come from Canada. So although they kept me running, it looks rough.

That night the clutch begins to slip. To make a long story short it still gets no better Fuel mileage, the clutch slips and the door is tore up. Hmmmmm? I will not rush to make it sparkle and run better anytime soon.



Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
That is funny.

I have seen a few out there were it may be the dirt that is keeping the truck together.:7



Veteran Expediter
I can remember cleaning up a car, detailing it, removing all rust and touching it up. Looked great and took me all winter. Within a month some kid with no license and no insurance ran into it and totaled it out. Go figure.


Expert Expediter
Raceman -

Next time put some turtle wax in the tank and then pour lucas all over the hood. Maybe that will work out for ya' a little better.

I like your style!! - Scott