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  1. Bruno

    Facebook is running people off

    Today I got a warning from Facebook telling me that my account could be suspended for terrorist activity. I was like really? All I posted was a video showing that people who claim to be Trump supporters was being let past the barriers by the police. They didn't strom the barriers from the...
  2. Bruno

    My Dad is a Dancer. (joke)

    MY DAD IS A DANCER One day a fourth-grade teacher asked the children what their fathers did for a living. All the typical answers came up: fireman, mechanic, businessman, salesman... and so forth. However, lttle Justin was being uncharacteristically quiet, so when the teacher prodded him...
  3. Bruno

    Can you open carry a weapon.

    I just want to see if people know their rights. So many peoples rights they don't even know they have never get used. Some people think you need a permit to carry a gun, which you don't in most states. Check it out for yourself. listen then the video comes...
  4. Bruno

    San Fran bans toys in Mc Donalds Happy Meal

    This may be something that other citys may do for kids. San Francisco Supes Ban McDonald's Happy Meal Toys : Tax Dollars At Work : Eater SF