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  1. mxzane933


    Well folkeroos I finally got my van sold, as of tomorrow it is a done deal, then I just finding a sprinter and the MACHETE is back in the pack and that's a fact JACK HAHA Sent from my DROID BIONIC using EO Forums mobile app
  2. mxzane933

    Truck Crash Video

    Check out this vid I came across on youtube, it shows how dangerous the road can be. Majority of these crashes are caused by some other person. It really shows how stupid some people are and how important it is to be vigilant and drop the speed down a bit. You only have control of you and your...
  3. mxzane933

    expediting in the blood.

    Well my seven month get away from slinging skids is coming to a end. I started a mx training school this summer and was able to ride and teach kids how to ride and I had a blast and made great money but when school started back buisness hit a stand still with only a lesson or two a week now, but...
  4. mxzane933


    Hey guys. Just wanted to drop by and update you guys i havent quit expediting. I absolutely love the driving the loads delivering a smile on the customers face but right now at this time in my life I am 22 and have accomplished more than 99 percent of racers and riders in motocross by making it...
  5. mxzane933


    Cherokee forrest us 64. Tanker didnt make the corner and went off the cliff no way he made it. Ambulance was leaving slow no lights on cept light inside n they were just sitting.nothing left of the truck. Yall be safe i dont wanna lose any of my fellow co workers Sent from my DROID BIONIC using...
  6. mxzane933

    Well folks

    The time has came at the pilot in little rock i earned my driver name and its young whipper snapper according to these here truck folk. Lol lol lol and lol i guess im winning Sent from my DROID BIONIC using EO Forums
  7. mxzane933

    Check out my new post

    I had a perfect expediting day minus alot of miles click my newest post. tell me what you think. Sent from my DROID BIONIC using EO Forums
  8. mxzane933


    K ive drove enough miles slept in the van for months,been to enough truck stops and still havent met any eo buddz nobody noda ziltch what does a guy like me gotta do these obama could have something to do with it? Sent from my DROID BIONIC using EO Forums
  9. mxzane933


    This punk kid was in daddies escalade riding my rear for miles and i have my Wiper sprayers so the left one sprays to the side. I. Let her eat for a good 2 miles lol he put on his windshield wipers and he still didnt get the clue. Made my day Sent from my DROID BIONIC using EO Forums
  10. mxzane933

    A vanners toaster?

    Sent from my DROID BIONIC using EO Forums
  11. mxzane933


    What are some things you all do to act and keep a professional look towards your business.? Co logos, biz cards dress a certain way ,do certain things to your truck etc Sent from my DROID BIONIC using EO Forums
  12. mxzane933


    Everyone phone went kerplunk at galveston island texas. I finally got my insurance claim in and my EO app back. Jeez lawrence puts a little something addictive in the signals that radiate off the site cuz i was in withdrawal from here and all you awesome people. Goooooood to be Sent...
  13. mxzane933

    Cat in tx.

    Im in love. 24 tattoos gauged ear rings. Ohmylanta i didnt know girls that beautiful worked receiving. Sent from my DROID BIONIC using EO Forums
  14. mxzane933


    Pulled over twice this run. Cops in Missouri do not like blacked out break lights lol. But added with a side of behind kissing # zero tickets for this guy. Yessssss Sent from my DROID BIONIC using EO Forums
  15. mxzane933

    Shipping and receiving

    Any one seen one this cool? Sent from my DROID BIONIC using EO Forums
  16. mxzane933

    Im having a grown up moment

    See so many people that are unhappy driving. If they would open there eyes to the beauty there passing and crack the window to smell the fresh air and be thankful god blessed them with the ability to see this gorgeous country and to smell the fresh air and able to make a living doing it i bet...
  17. mxzane933

    Grub bug

    I highly suggest all of you expediters grub down at pita pit. I thought i had do be in gainsville fl for it nope i just ran into one in iowa on this 74 degree day. So stoked. Sent from my DROID BIONIC using EO Forums
  18. mxzane933

    Free fax

    If anyone needs to fax there bol in you can do so for free. Theres a coupon for it in there pilot magazine. Kinda cool I just did it and it worked. Sent from my DROID BIONIC using EO Forums
  19. mxzane933


    Be careful if your heading to the north east its getting bad.member we have all the nice days to be the hero not snowdays lol. Sent from my DROID BIONIC using EO Forums
  20. mxzane933


    Whats the difference between fedx whiteglove and cc? Sent from my DROID BIONIC using EO Forums