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  1. S

    Vote White!

    Don't vote for Obama. Vote your racial interests. Vote White or vote for anyone else who is white and looking out for you. This is very important. Vote for your family, vote for your grandchildren. America is not what it used to be. Accept it.
  2. S

    Jewish Supremascism

    Good post, Rattwell! And that is one good book. Dr. Duke wrote an excellent and ACCURATE work that should be read by anyone BEFORE they spout uninformed opinions. I thought Dr. Duke was off the mark when I heard about it but then I went through the trouble of actually READING the book and I...
  3. S

    Military Commisions Act of 2006

    I for one am neither lazy or dumb (but don't ask my wife about that last one). :) What rights have we lost with this Act? How about the biggie of them all: Habeas Corpus. When a president can declare me or any other American citizen an enemy combatent and then say I can not appeal to the...
  4. S

    Military Commisions Act of 2006

    On October 16, 2006 President Bush Signed the Military Commisions Act. Here is a great commentary from MSNBC on that act: [] Republican or Democrat, you have to be concerned with the loss of American freedom contained in this legislation. Stanley
  5. S

    Improbable Collapse : The Demolition of our Republ

    RE: Improbable Collapse : The Demolition of our Re The point of the movie was to raise questions about what happened on that tragic day and I think it does a good job of it. As I have said before in these forums, I don't follow the government story hook, line and sinker, nor do I swallow this...
  6. S

    Improbable Collapse : The Demolition of our Republ

    This is a great video raising questions about the collapse of WTC 1, 2 and 7 on 9/11. Of course, it also raises questions about our so-called War on Terror. Here's the link: [] Enjoy! Stanley
  7. S

    Chavez at the UN

    Speaking of movies, here is one everyone should watch. After all, we are talking about Chavez. Did the US have anything to do with the coup attempt? If we did, what should we do about it? -- The Revolution Will Not be Televised -- []...
  8. S

    Something to think about....

    The war is lost. Yeah, I agree with that statement. I came to that conclusion when we overthrew Saddam and didn't leave immediately. We lost the moral high ground and it looks like we can never get it back. Me? I don't want to bring democracy to anybody who doesn't want it. They can have...
  9. S

    Get our soldiers home AND solve the illegals prob?

    RE: Get our soldiers home AND solve the illegals p Good idea, maybe, but it has been tried before. Think ancient Rome in its downward spiral here. The barbarians were first introduced into the Roman Empire by exactly such a policy, ultimately bringing about their downfall (one of many causes)...
  10. S

    Another reason not to watch CBS

    If you think Survivor is bad you should try and watch Fox News! You can add warmonger to racist and bigot with that channel. Stanley
  11. S

    Path cleared for Mexican truckers

  12. S

    I only hang with Sheepdogs...

    TallCal, Good point. But imagine someone of your stature as a bad guy. Imagine someone not of your stature or mine (a mere 6' 2" in cowboy boots) as the potential victim? Imagine someone's aged mother and father, or wife and child, or perhaps the infirm or crippled. Now what do we have here? A...
  13. S

    I only hang with Sheepdogs...

    Ghandi changed the world? Oddly enough, so did Jesus Christ. Is is strange how Jesus never told us to disarm but to buy a sword if we didn't have one; told the soldier to be content with his pay when asked how he could do the right thing; when his own disciple cut off the ear of the high...
  14. S

    I support Israel attacks on Gaza and Lebanon

    RE: Hrmmmm You said you believed the 911 Report and its conclusions. The 911 Report did not even mention or reference the destruction of WTC-7, a building not even remotely damaged enough to fall. But there is a network TV news clip of the owner requesting the building be 'pulled', i.e. taken...
  15. S

    I support Israel attacks on Gaza and Lebanon

    Aviator, Well, you said, or implied, that you read the 911 Commission Report. Maybe I missed something. A 42 story building collaspe on 911 at 5:30 PM at some distance away from WTC-1 and 2 must have been investigated. Makes sense. So, what did the report say about it? Please check your copy...
  16. S

    I support Israel attacks on Gaza and Lebanon

    Yes, the 911 Report. Very familiar with it. Please tell me how WTC-7 fell? It must be in the report. Thanks. Yes, my enemies hate me for my virtues. That must be it. I am too good for everyone. Stanley
  17. S

    I only hang with Sheepdogs...

    He also is guilty of the fallacy of the 'excluded middle'.Well, not quite because he talks about the brave sheep dogs. But no matter, we are not just one or the other. How someone who is a sheep in one setting and wolf in the other? How about wolf, but maybe sheep or sheep dog in another...
  18. S

    I support Israel attacks on Gaza and Lebanon

    When it's all said and done the title of this thread says what it says. I don't support it for all the reasons I stated before. If the Jews have problems now and in the past then I'm sorry to hear it. I just don't think it is America's interest to support them due to their conduct that hurts...
  19. S

    I support Israel attacks on Gaza and Lebanon

    True words. You don't even have to say the holocaust didn't happen, you just have to say that it didn't happen the way the official story goes and you can, and will, end up in the slammer in many countries. Even if you can prove what you say is true, truth is no defense in their courts. When I...
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    I support Israel attacks on Gaza and Lebanon

    Thats' right, American interests. I am all for that. If we dropped our support for Israel and supported the Arabs we would have less of a problem in the middle east. Israel is NOT a democracy, it is a theocracy, jews only, if democracy really matters. I don't care what other countries want as a...