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  1. EnglishLady

    Why no celebration?

    History tip ..... Correct spelling serfs. Serfdom became obsolete in the 15th - 16th century You are welcome :)
  2. EnglishLady

    Obama lied?

    Personally I think everyone should step away from the BS, finger pointing and personal accusations .... keep on topic !! Thank you :)
  3. EnglishLady

    Piers Morgan, lying sack of

    Our present to you :) (and btw we don't need him back !! ) :p
  4. EnglishLady

    The Hillary Express, now boarding

    Personal 'attacks' on members will not be tolerated. Please moderate your posts and stay with the OP. You have been warned
  5. EnglishLady

    Muslim preferential treatment

    Time to take it to PM's ..... this thread is done.
  6. EnglishLady

    Muslim preferential treatment

    Okaaaay ..... thats the bell, either its tea-time or its back to your corners. I'm going with back to your corners.
  7. EnglishLady

    Democrats, psychiatrists argue that same-sex sodomy, pedophilia are similar, should b

    Re: Democrats, psychiatrists argue that same-sex sodomy, pedophilia are similar, shou .... and another bites the dust
  8. EnglishLady

    Breaking News: Bradley Manning Not Guilty Of Aiding The Enemy

    Bradley Manning Not Guilty Of Aiding The Enemy A US soldier has been found not guilty of aiding the enemy after leaking government secrets to WikiLeaks...
  9. EnglishLady

    Democrats, psychiatrists argue that same-sex sodomy, pedophilia are similar, should b

    Re: Democrats, psychiatrists argue that same-sex sodomy, pedophilia are similar, shou Y'know I'm sure that the word forgiveness is in the bible somewhere. Also ..... he who is without sin cast the first stone :rolleyes:
  10. EnglishLady

    63% of women are idiots

    LOL, they deserve each other :p
  11. EnglishLady

    Democrats, psychiatrists argue that same-sex sodomy, pedophilia are similar, should b

    Re: Democrats, psychiatrists argue that same-sex sodomy, pedophilia are similar, shou I disagree, this Pope seems to want to clean house in all area's Pope Francis urges decisive action against sex abuse | Reuters
  12. EnglishLady

    Democrats, psychiatrists argue that same-sex sodomy, pedophilia are similar, should b

    Re: Democrats, psychiatrists argue that same-sex sodomy, pedophilia are similar, shou Breaking News this morning .... :) "Pope Francis: Who am I to judge gay people? Pope Francis has said gay people should not be judged or marginalised. Speaking to reporters on a flight back from...
  13. EnglishLady

    Decisions to be made

    LOL ..... NOT !! LOL :p
  14. EnglishLady

    UK may OK creating babies with DNA from 3 people

    "It is envisaged that up to 10 couples a year would benefit from the treatment." Obviously I feel very sorry for those that have this defective mitochondria. But there are other paths ..... couples could adopt or use egg donors.
  15. EnglishLady

    UK may OK creating babies with DNA from 3 people

    Personally I am against manipulating genetics like this. "It is a change that would have ramifications through the generations as scientists would be altering human genetic inheritance." "It is a disaster that the decision to cross the line that will eventually lead to a eugenic designer baby...
  16. EnglishLady

    Chicago math curriculum

    This is the Soapbox .... "Got something to say about politics, the state of the world, what's happening today, just need to express your opinion? Liberal? Conservative? You're welcomed here! Just keep it civil!" :)
  17. EnglishLady

    Wounded Knee up for Sale

    BBC News - To whom does Wounded Knee belong? The battleground site Wounded Knee is up for sale. Should it be developed as a landmark or left in peace out of respect for the Sioux people who died there? Almost as soon as the 1890 massacre at Wounded Knee was over, the battle to...
  18. EnglishLady

    Prison gang leader fathered 5 children with 4 guards

    Indictment: Prison gang leader fathered 5 children with 4 guards A Baltimore prisoner is said to have fathered five children with four different corrections officers while incarcerated, according to a recently unsealed federal racketeering indictment. In addition, the Washington Post...
  19. EnglishLady

    Saudi Criminal 'Sentenced To Be Paralysed'

    Well believe it or not I thought ppl might actually converse about the OP :rolleyes: No confliction here, I believe I have said more than once on EO that I am against the death penalty
  20. EnglishLady

    Saudi Criminal 'Sentenced To Be Paralysed'

    This is not about my belief on the death penalty but (IMO) the barbaric & grotesque form of "punishment" in the OP story