Anyone Notice we have a National Emergency?


Veteran Expediter
Has anyone notice that we are under a National Emergency?

The Swine Flu is the cause and it is more of a prevention step than a mitigation step.

You are all adults so I don't have to type up a what to do list but I would not let things go as described in the Waddy KY J thread.


Veteran Expediter
The reason I posted this was because I spent the day shopping with the wife and any signs of worry wasn't present almost anywhere we went. One place, Ikea, I would think with the traffic they had in the stores, that some parents would make sure their kids didn't put things in their mouths or crawl on the floor but I guess I don't understand the modern helicopter parent.

The only place that I noticed any change and proactive prevention was the Subway shop down the road, the owner was cleaning everything and the employees signed a pledge to wash their hands and not come in if they feel the bit sick - the pledge is posted on the wall.

By the way I am still waiting for my roast.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We shall see what happens. National emergency? Maybe in the future. This flu seems to be ramping up in numbers but NOT in it's ability to kill. In reality, so far at least, it kills fewer per 1000 infected than the seasonal flu. The BIG difference is the age groups that sucumb to it. The vaccine is moving out to the public, slowly, but moving. The next 6-8 months could get interesting.


Retired Expediter
I think it was more of a Pre-emptive let hospitals move quickly should the outbreak escalate unexpectedly without all the red tape..

It was a good move for once...:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
That is the spin they are putting on it. We shall see what happens. IF, it is only what they say on the surface it may help. I have a very HEALTHY distrust of government and ALWAYS look for the "hidden" reasons for everything that they do.

Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
We are all D O O M E D ! Get off the road, go sit in your basement, rock back and forth saying we are all D O O M E D !!!


Retired Expediter
We are all D O O M E D ! Get off the road, go sit in your basement, rook and and forth saying we are all D O O M E D !!!

Come on one is saying that...should we burying our head in the sand and hope it goes away?
Or better yet ignore it and hope for the best?

I know ya hate the guy....BUT this has nothing whatsoever to do with HIM the annointed one..*L*


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
DOOM is good!! LOL!!! It does seem that they MAY be making more of this than is needed. We shall see. It MAY yet get wild. Then again, it may not.


Retired Expediter
I would think that as an American you'd rather the country be prepared should this balloon..imagine the flack if we got caught unprepared? The general public would be outraged if the government were to sit on their hands.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Let's see, since health care is NOT a government function, who cares what they do? Did their pre-planning for flooding in New Orleans help? Nope. In reality, once they get involved it is likely to get worse. They are inept. Not just Obama, all of them. They could mess up a marble tournament.


Retired Expediter
Let's see, since health care is NOT a government function, who cares what they do? Did their pre-planning for flooding in New Orleans help? Nope. In reality, once they get involved it is likely to get worse. They are inept. Not just Obama, all of them. They could mess up a marble tournament.

I don't see this as health care in traditional is about averting a potential national disaster...and 1,000's more Americans dying...

yeah and put the government in charge of the desert..there would be a sand shortage in 2 years too...*L*


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There are ALWAYS deaths from the flu. Every year 30-50,000 die from the seasonal flu. The government is involved in that too. Guess that did not work. So far, at least, this flu is NOT killing as many per 1000 infected as the normal flu does. The ONLY difference is who it is killing. Otherwise healthy and young people. The government will NOT defeat nature. If this flu mutates again and becomes a real killer there will be nothing they can do. It takes AT LEAST 6 months to grow the virus in chicken eggs. A mutation that would lead to mass deaths would require a change in the vaccine to combat it. The numbers are not the scary yet. 5000 deaths world wide, and there are how many people? 6 BILLION? More die from traffic accidents. By the way, the government is charged with protecting us from traffice deaths too. :eek:


Expert Expediter
Maybe there will be an out break in the swine flu, but my concern is the more they talk about it, the more people are going to get it in there heads that the first time they are not feeling well, they are going to run to the er at the hosiptal and maybe take away from those that who really do need care.

There are those that you just have to make up a new illness and they will get it.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Be careful there, Steady Eddie. You are have WAY too much fun with the word, D O O M E D!! If Obama finds out you are having fun with something he will hit you with a very hefty "FUN TAX"!!! You are right!! We are D O O M E D!!! :p


Not a Member
From what I understand the first symptoms of the swine flu are known to be random capitalization and punctuation.