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    Help With Plywood Floor

    After the rear edge of my GMC van got chipped away by careless fork truck drivers, I thought about making the first six inches of the rear floor a separate piece. That way if it got too buggered up it could be easily replaced without replacing the whole floor. Just replace the six inch edge...
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    Yeller Panther Van

    Anybody out there in a Chev/GMC Panther van painted bright yellow. I saw you in Chesterfield Indiana Fri eve. Nice ride.
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    cut-a-way van safety

    How your freight is secured in a C/V or cutaway is probably as important as how it is constructed. In case of an accident your freight will probably let go before the truck gives away. That is very comforting when you have two steel skids of metal parts weighing a couple thousand pounds riding...
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    Turn signal

    When you have weird light problems, particularly turn signal problems, the first thing to do is check the light ground.
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    Sick Garmin

    Thanks, ATeam. Went to the site, sent an email with my prob and my new bff Justin M sent me a reply. Went to the site he mentioned, downloaded something, and my GPS now talks to me. I have a talky wife, and our ten year old talky granddaughter spent three days with us and my ears are...
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    Sick Garmin

    I recently got a refurbished Garmin Nuvi 760 GPS. My daughter used my car to drive about three hours to southern Indiana. All was well going down. Coming home, she said the screen was blocked by another screen that said the unit was downloading Bluetooth software. Luckily she found her way...
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    Sleeping arangements

    No problem with longer lengths. Just beware of six inch lengths with fixed and screw on caps on either end.
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    Check your spare tire holder! (vans)

    And while you're at it, make sure you can get to the jack and wrench when you have a full load. Locate the lift points, also. Might just as well learn how to remove the wheel cover if you have any.
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    Sleeping arangements

    MrSheltie. If I understand you correctly, you took a mini truck camper shell, installed a floor in it and hoisted it onto your van roof and bolted it down. Is that correct? Do you have any pics? Sounds interesting.
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    Sleeping arangements

    Jack_Berry, I'm glad the plastic pipe idea worked out. I never built one out of plastic pipe, but after building my heavy plywood bunk I realised plastic pipe woud be a whole lot lighter.
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    slack adjusters

    A slack adjuster can show wear on the clevis pins and also the holes in the clevis that the pins go through.
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    Battery Charging

    Had two deep cycle batts in my GMC one tonner. They were tied together with batt cable. Don't remember the size of wire. The batt pos wire went through a solenoid that was controlled by ignition. Then it went to the pos on the truck batt. With ignition off, they could discharge to their...
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    4.8 vs 6.0

    Just like miguy1957, I got 15.5 - 16.5 mpg. 200,000 miles, 1 alternater. The engine didn't care if I was running empty or fully loaded, push the go pedal and it went.
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    Confused by fuses

    According to Dan, my electrician friend, if your wire terminals and connectors have any corrosion on them, that will have the effect as having an additional load. That could be why your 15 amp fuse worked and then didn't work. The corrosion works like adding a few more lights to a circuit. If...
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    B Train & Log truck qustion

    Moose, the only b train I know about is the Brio and Thomas wooden train set we have for the grandkids. I don't think it has a log hauling car.
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    Lucas? I got it, even if nobody else did!! Guess it show's my age.
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    How Much

    Just curious, how much does a basic entry level C truck cost? No, I'm not looking to buy. Again, just curious. I know, there are a lot of variable, just ball parking. Thanks
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    Truck delima..

    Texpress sez about his driver: "And then the guy backed into a doctor." Ouch!! At least he didn't have far to go to get medical help.
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    Tire Thumper

    A tire gauge could be used as a weapon, as well as a car key, a belt buckle, and a ball point pen. Would all of these be classed as "weapons"? In an emergency I could swing a mean clipboard.
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    roof top for a cargo van

    Montero, check this out. Where do you live? Van Tops, Camper, High Roof Conversions, Bubble-IN I have installed several hi tops on Ford vans several years ago. Not difficult. Contact me if you can use help.