Check your spare tire holder! (vans)


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
Well guys and gals...

Another lesson learned the hard way tonight....

Had a blowout... and when I went to crank down my spare, (spare stored under the back of van, cranks down on cable)
the mechanism apparently stripped out. I cranked and cranked, but the cable refused to move. After 40 minutes on the side of the highway cranking, prying, and beating the mechanism, I gave up and called a local tow shop and had them come get me.

Luckily I was only 30 miles from home, on my way to pickup... so the run was easily rescheduled, and the tow cost wasn't bad.

Tomorrow we'll have it up on a rack and see what happened. If nothing else, we'll torch the cable, and I'll 'ratchet strap' the spare to my sidewall inside the van.

Lesson learned... check that crank out before ya need it!



Veteran Expediter
And while you're at it, make sure you can get to the jack and wrench when you have a full load. Locate the lift points, also. Might just as well learn how to remove the wheel cover if you have any.


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
I got those covered.. LOL.. but never had any problem with these cranks.. Had em on pickups too..they usually crank right down.

I've always hated them tho, such a pain.



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Take your wheels off or loosen them every so often as well. I had a flat on my pick-up truck last fall. The spare came down easy but I was unable to get the wheel off the truck. It was "frozen". It took the tow truck guy a long time to get it looses. At least he was nice, he did not charge me!! He would NOT even take the $20 I offered him when he refused to charge me. He was a young man and said he did NOT like to charge "senior citizens" when they needed help!!! LOL!!
Made me feel good and REALLY old all at the same time!! :D


Seasoned Expediter
Take your wheels off or loosen them every so often as well. I had a flat on my pick-up truck last fall. The spare came down easy but I was unable to get the wheel off the truck. It was "frozen". It took the tow truck guy a long time to get it looses. At least he was nice, he did not charge me!! He would NOT even take the $20 I offered him when he refused to charge me. He was a young man and said he did NOT like to charge "senior citizens" when they needed help!!! LOL!!
Made me feel good and REALLY old all at the same time!! :D
We always say "yes" when offered the Senior Discount. As long as ya don't call me "Pops". Had a kid/clerk do that to me once - nearly came over the counter at him...Don't know which was funnier - his big eyeballs or the boss's GLARE at him.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We always say "yes" when offered the Senior Discount. As long as ya don't call me "Pops". Had a kid/clerk do that to me once - nearly came over the counter at him...Don't know which was funnier - his big eyeballs or the boss's GLARE at him.

I have not had anyone call me POPS yet. Most just grunt something if they acknowlege I exsist at all. Most don't even do that. They just chew their gum, talk on their cells or stare at their lasted tat or piercing. When I get the odd one that notices that I am a human standing there and an older one at that they speak with respect most of the time. Poor training at home and at work. NO standards for service these days.


Not a Member
Although my van did not come with a spare tire and or rim, (I guess,so I am told,)mine works fine so far. But Ihave thought of using 2 yellow ratcheting straps that flatbedders use and hooking them to the frame rail side to side, and another front to rear.But at least that cable is better than the old style. Anyone remember those? LOL.