In The News

Unregulated Sleeping Habits

By Brandon Baxter - Staff Writer
Posted Aug 24th 2022 8:00AM

Something we should all be better attuned to is our body and how it tries to communicate with us. Like listening when it’s telling us to stop eating so much, or to stop what we’re doing when exhaustion sets in and get some much-needed rest.

The idea of listening to one’s body and responding appropriately isn’t a novel one, not by any means. But how many people out there actually pause long enough to give their body what it needs? In terms of a transportation career, something as simple as getting enough rest is a vital part of proper practice within the industry. Especially when safety is of utmost importance. Hence the reason for so much regulation, regarding sleep and hours-of-service, by the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT).

For expediters, there is a fraction of drivers who typically don’t have to worry about the DOT regulating their sleep habits and HOS. These folks are relegated to driving cargo vans and Sprinters, which may negate their having to follow and adhere to federal DOT hours-of-service regulations.

So, for those van and Sprinter expediters out there looking for a few tips or suggestions to assist in nailing down a better sleep routine, read on and take notes. At best, you’ll find new ways to address your sleeping habits. At worst, this article will help put you to sleep. Either way, win-win!

Get the Amount of Sleep Your Body Requires

Not everyone is wired for the typical eight hours of sleep per night routine. Some folks out there can fully function on five or six hours, while others need their full eight to make sure they’re coherent and spry for the next day.

That said, just try and pay attention to what your body is telling you. When you’re tired, stop what you’re doing and get some rest. That doesn’t always mean you have to fall asleep right away, but at the very least you should be relaxing and allowing your body to recharge in its own way.

For van and Sprinter drivers this is something that can often come at a bad time, like when you’re under a load. But so long as you’re consistently communicating with your dispatcher, let them know when you need to take a break or get some sleep. It’s better to be cautious than to be responsible for an accident because your eyes were getting heavy.

Aim for Consistent Sleep Times

When driving for an expediter, and spending chunks of time on the road, it’s very difficult to regulate exactly when you get your sleep. Which makes it increasingly hard to manage a consistent sleep time or schedule. Sleep experts realize that consistent sleep and wake times are as important and probably more important than the number of hours we actually spend in bed. In fact, the HOS rules' 24-hour rotation of 14 hours on-duty and 10 hours off-duty was intended to address regular sleep times for commercial drivers. But this doesn’t necessarily pertain to Sprinter and van drivers, and it doesn't always work out in real life.

Also, it’s good to be mindful of what you eat and when you eat. If you’re normally eating at regular times but your driving throws that schedule out of whack, try to eat something light at your usual time because your body is expecting something.

If you’re not hungry at what might be your usual time to eat, just give your body something small. It’s better to eat a little something rather than to wait until you get hangry.

Prepare Your Body for Sleep

It’s difficult to wind down from a day of action and adventure when you’re an over-the-road expediter, even when it’s in a van or Sprinter. For those who make their living in a tractor or straight truck, of course you have to follow the guidelines set forth by DOT HOS regulations. But for those in a Sprinter or cargo van, it might be a bit more tedious to try and tone down the day.

Here’s a suggestion for those looking for ways to dial back the waking hours. Since sleep is associated with a lowering of the body's internal temperature, start dropping the temperature inside the vehicle an hour or so before bedtime.

Even with sporadic schedules, a driver can coax his or her body and brain into sleep-mode if they’re willing to follow a plan. If you're outdoors, start by trying to imitate the onset of night by wearing blue-blocker sunglasses. Also, avoid screen time (like lying awake with your cellphone in hand) and focus on doing something that's quiet and relaxing.

Get Physical Activity

With an homage to the recently departed Olivia Newton-John, let’s get physical. Seriously, exercise could not be more important for a commercial or expedite driver. But it's really difficult to get that physical activity the body needs when you're over-the-road. Incorporating some sort of resistance routine with those stretchy rubber bands before or after you sleep is something to start with. A brisk walk is also helpful, as it will help to relax and clear your mind.

Try to Take Regular Naps

We should all apologize to naps, because as children most of us absolutely abhorred them. But napping, and doing so correctly, can be a very valuable tool for drivers. Especially when done correctly.

When driving OTR and you're short on sleep, or you’re sleeping irregular hours, even a 20-minute nap can be a welcome respite for the body and mind. Many folks think short naps don't work and they’re often left feeling groggier and sleepier after they wake from a snooze.

But by taking shorter naps, and doing so on a regular somewhat schedule, the body will begin to anticipate the nap. Then, upon waking, you should get out into the light as quickly as possible. Or you should engage in a little light physical activity, like a couple of laps around the vehicle or some stretching.

These are just some suggestions that can, hopefully, help a driver out when on the road. As mentioned, the Class A and Class B truck drivers must adhere to the federal hours-of-service regulations and ELD mandates. But for those expediting in a cargo van or Sprinter, the rules to the game can be a little different. So, take these suggestions and please incorporate them to the best of your abilities.

Now, shut those peepers. If you’ve read this all the way to the end, you should be fast asleep real soon.

Nighty night. Zzzz…