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Survey: More Carriers Moving Toward CSA Compliance

Posted Apr 13th 2012 11:04AM

More carriers taking steps to comply with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's new Compliance, Safety, Accountability enforcement regime, and 65% are doing so with three or more methods, according to results from Transport Capital Partners ' First Quarter 2012 Business Expectations Survey.

Although taking multiple steps requires more company resources, carriers are making the changes not only to comply with federal regulations but also because shippers and brokers are beginning to monitor and select carriers based on CSA scores.

"The agility of the trucking industry to adapt to change has been clearly evident with new safety methods and cooperation from drivers in a true team effort," says Richard Mikes, TCP partner and survey founder.

Two years ago, TCP found that half of truckload carriers were unprepared for CSA.

"CSA is now a major issue in the eyes of shippers and carriers; schedules are being challenged, and it's putting demands on professional safety and maintenance talent in the market place we have simply not seen before," says Jim Parham, TCP partner and veteran industry placement executive.

The most popular methods for complying with CSA 2010 regulations are:

- Training for drivers so that they understand how CSA 2010 can affect their careers (78.1%)
- Changing how sub-performing driving is monitored (63.2%)
- Investing in technology to help monitor CSA 2010 (55.3%)

"Driver screening and training is now at the forefront, and the pool of qualified driver talent is shrinking before our eyes. Drivers control their own destiny more than ever and the 'scores' of their carrier employers," says Lana Batts, TCP Partner.

Other current methods that carriers are using to comply to CSA 2010 is to have an on-staff CSA manager, hire retired state police, or investing in electronic on-board recorders. Larger carriers are taking more steps than smaller carriers, most likely due to more capital being dedicated to new processes and technology.