In The News

  • Hutchenson Out as FMCSA Administrator

    By Brandon Baxter - Staff Writer
    Posted Jan 26th 2024 8:00AM
    The only constant in life is change. Things change all the time, whether we want to accept it as truth or not, change is...
  • Honesty in the Trucking Industry

    By Brandon Baxter - Staff Writer
    Posted Jan 14th 2024 8:00AM
    In transportation, honesty is a door that swings both ways. Not only are drivers seeking employment expecting a straight...
  • New Year's Tips for Your Trips

    By Brandon Baxter - Staff Writer
    Posted Jan 8th 2024 8:00AM
    As 2024 swings into full gear, a lot of folks start the dawning of a new year by making resolutions or setting goals for...
  • New Year, New Tire Routine?

    By Brandon Baxter - Staff Writer
    Posted Jan 3rd 2024 8:00AM
    Rounding out 2023 and pressing on into 2024, it seems as good a time as any to evaluate some seemingly basic truck care ...
  • Happy New Year!

    By Contributing Writer
    Posted Jan 1st 2024 8:00PM
    From all of us at and the On Time Media family, we wish you a most prosperous and joyful 2024. Chee...