In The News

EOBR Listening Session Set for Mid-America

By TruckingInfo staff
Posted Feb 23rd 2012 7:20AM

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration will host a listening session at the Mid-America Trucking Show on how electronic onboard recorders might be used to harass drivers. The session, scheduled for 10 a.m. March 23 at the show site in Louisville, Ky., is part of the agency's revised approach to writing a new EOBR rule.

The agency had posted a rule that would have required repeat violators of hours-of-service requirements to use recorders starting next June, and is working on a second rule that would expand the requirement to practically all carriers.

But it changed its approach after an appeals court threw out the June rule on grounds that it failed to prevent the use of EOBRs to harass drivers, as is required by law.

Now the agency is scheduling listening sessions before proposing a third, supplemental, rule. Once that proposal is public, the agency will accept comments.