You're Lost Between....


Staff member
Lawrence McCord
Expediters Online.Com

Ok, I confess this post is not business related, but I wanted to share it with all the Forum Members who find themselves.....


-U2 is too popular and mainstream for you now
-You ever used the phrase "Kiss mah grits!" in conversation
-You remember trying to guess the episode of the Brady Bunch from
the first scene.
-You spent endless nights dreaming about being the Bionic Woman or
Wonder Woman or the Six Million Dollar Man
-You had ringside seats for Luke and Laura's wedding on General
-You remember, "Hey, let's be careful out there."
-You're parents wanted you to attend medical school, but you decided
it was pointless since Quincy got all the babes anyway
-You know who shot JR
-This rings a bell: "...and my name is Charlie. They work for me."
-You were unsure if Diet Coke would ever catch on after all
-You know all the words to the double album set of Grease
-You ever had a Dorothy Hammill/Tom Cruise haircut
-You sat with your friends on a Friday night and dialed 867-5309 to
see if Jenny would answer
-All skate, change directions, means something to you
-You owned a pair of Rainbow suspenders just like Mork used to wear
-You bought a pair of Vanns and wanted to order a pizza in history
class so you could be just like Jeff Spicoli in Fast Times at
Ridgemont High
-You owned a preppy handbook
-You were too young to go see the Blue Lagoon so you just had to
settle for second hand reports
-You remember when there was only PG and R none of this PG- 13 crap
-You learned to swim about the same time Jaws came out and still carry
the emotional scars to this day
-You remember when your cable TV box had a sliding selector switch
-You actually believed everything Leonard Nimoy told you on "In
Search Of..."
-Your jaw would ache by the time you finished those brick sized
packages of Bazooka gum
-Bo and Luke Duke
-VCRs cost $2,000
-There was nothing strange about Bert and Ernie living together
-Rotary dial telephones
-You actually believed that Mikey, famed for his Life cereal
commercials, died after eating a packet of pop rocks and drinking
a Coke
-The theme song to Greatest American Hero still comes back to you on
occasion 'Believe it or not, I'm walking on air, I never knew it
could be so fre-he-he'.


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
thanks for the walk down memory lane Lawrence, I'm just not sure whether to feel nostalgic......or just old!!! And hey, between Dukes of Hazzard and Charlies Angels, who needed any other and babes...what else did a teenager need??? :)

Wild Bill

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
LMAO! Its offical, I am now offically old. I remember everyone of


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
That was good. But you forgot " DANGER WILL ROBINSON, WE WILL BE DESTROYED!!!!!!"