Writing a service proposal?


Seasoned Expediter
Anybody know how this is done? I recently contacted a company as a independent contractor/van driver, seeking employment. I was told by the person in charge of their transportation dept. to drop off a "service proposal" complete with charges per mile. I ran a search, but all I could find is info on writing a business plan which is not the same. Please help! I have no idea of what format to write this in...? :confused:
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Veteran Expediter
What kind of company was it? Courier?
Sounds to me like he may have misunderstood you were asking to be taken on as an owner/operator under them?
In any case, he is looking for a written proposal of what you can do for him, with what equipment.
There are lots of websites you can find that will give you enough info for you to be able to write one. Look up courrier service proposal and you will find lots of reading.


Seasoned Expediter
Yes it is a van courier service. I did try searching under " writing a services proposal" and got nothing I could use. I'll give your suggestion a try..... Thanks!