What Insurance Do I need...Truck Trailer VS BOX TRUCK W/ Lift Gate


Seasoned Expediter
I operate a motorcyle shop in Marietta GA. We sell a good bit online. What we want to do is start delivering some of our own units when we can.
What I can not figure out is the rules.
I beleive I understand the CDL part.
I plan to buy either a box truck under 26,000 pounds
A dully truck and trailer. IF I go the truck and trailer route I think I could stay under 10,000 pounds.
Truck 4300+/- pounds...Trailer 2500+/-pounds
....this would leave me about 2200 pounds for cargo.
This wold leave me cargo weight to haul about 5-6 motorcycls if I am figuring right...DID I FIGURE THIS RIGHT?

My Questions ARE:
1) If I stay under 10,000#'s what are the requlations I will have to follow...DOT Number, Insurance, log book etc.
2) If I go with a box truck what would I need to do?
Would there be a significant insurance advantage to one over the other.
We would not be going more than 500 miles from our shop, but we would be crossing state lines.

Any Ideas Or Thought Would Be Greatly Aprreciated...This DOT, INSURANCE stuff is confusing.
Thanks, Les
Granger Motorsports llc
Marietta, GA


Seasoned Expediter
I believe that since you are delivering product that your business owns? that you will not need any MC authority, I would suggest a DOT number, the way that you figured the weight on the truck and trailer scenario I think are incorrect, it will be determined by the amount the vehicles will hold ( GVW ) not the actual weight .
The insurance should be able to be obtained by your business ins. company. Hope this helps