What did you accomplish in 2003?


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
And what are you looking for in 2004? Put it down here, and not necessarily your trucking accomplishments only. I ran less this year than in previous years, but it was my choice, not business slowdown. I probably actually ran under 6 months the whole year, and some of that was for a friend. Instead I decided to build my retirement home myself, and spent a good deal of time learning and laboring. I´m still adding details, and my wife is doing the decorating, and it´s in a warm spot that will afford us great downtime when home, and be there when we hang up our driving boots, which is still many miles down the road. It was worth it, and we enjoyed it, as we saved a considerable amount. It was a wash, in the sense that I could have driven for the gold dust, and then spent it paying a building contractor, or do it and not have to pay. We sold our "D" unit along the way, and when we go back in February, I will probably go class 8, as that seems to be the niche we want to fit into, and I spent several years driving TT. For 2004, I plan to start taking more time off during the year, not run as hard as past years, but am not reluctant to put the pedal to the metal, if I need that old "e pluribus unum". The kids are grown and gone,we`re still young... and it`s time.