Too bad they didn't learn any history


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I am so disgusted with Teddy and Hilary and the rest of our worthless majority "leaders" who are so busy trying yet again to sabotage progress in Iraq with their unrealistic timetable for defeat. Apparently none of them learned, or more likely don't care to acknowledge, that a nation previously involved in a war to be free from an unreasonable monarchy needed 11 years to get to the point of ratifying their Constitution and running under their own government and authority. That in a nation working specifically toward that goal without the additional challenges faced in Iraq. What can you really expect though from "leaders" who want to abandon those needing and wanting our help and yet also want to adopt as many millions of criminal aliens as they can possibly help smuggle in to illegally vote for them? They are ALL useless and worthless, or at least about 90% of the ones up there now.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Seasoned Expediter
Leo,you are correct and both Partys are Guilty!We seem to have so many Politcal Hacks that want to cow down to the other for Political gain it is pathetic,the President yesterday talking about Kennedy and the Imagration Reform Bill he is trying to get passed and working with Teddy, and Bush praising Kennedy for all the work he's done and Blah Blah's DISGUSTING!Ted Kennedy would stab the Prez in the back first chance he had.I say it's time the Republicans in office if you are not going to stand up for this Country and do whats right,then take your Goverment Pension and get out of the way!People in this Country need to wake up and stop listening to the Left Wing Media and do their Homework,these Leftists are going to Destroy this Home we call the United States.Look what is going on in Europe, these Islamic Fascists are already taking over the school system with there beliefs and thats exactly what these Leftist Politicians in this Country want.


Retired Expediter
dog house.. leo

The demise started long ago when prayer and disipline was taken out of the schools and it's been going downhill ever since. Theres no respect and honour out there any more! To-days generation no nothing of these traits! Do you remember when we called the teacher sir? or when the principal walked into class we stood at attention? Thats is all gone now.

sorry leo...a little off topic.


Veteran Expediter
Yea, Term LIMITS....

Once upon a time we had several states that passed term limits BUT someone from the League of Women Voters sued over the issue that she felt that this was "unwarranted expansion of the specific qualifications for membership in Congress enumerated in the U.S. Constitution" - BS.

The problem is that the supreme court said that term limits were unconsitutional, which means that our rights are not as important as the representative who we elect to represent us. This, like the Kelo decision is two very important issues about our rights and the only solution is a consitution ademdement.


Veteran Expediter
There has been a call for less name calling,is this anyway to start?I mean using words like disgusting and worthless don't add to the debate.They are mean spritied and degrading to our leaders.
However,calling the present liers and crooks and nitwit Republicans who continue to trip and stumble daily is just off limits!!


Seasoned Expediter
Quite frankly they are all nitwits and it doesn't matter which side of the aisle they are on. I've said this quite a few times on here. If the Republicans would actually follow through with the plans and ideals they promote in their campaigning they would not lose the majority. They get in and get scared to do these things from fear of alienating some portion of the voters. Newt was one of the few who did not fear the dems or their retoric. He knew what his constituency wanted from him and he wasn't afraid to follow through.

Tallcal, I think your plan for Iraq was intersting and has merit. The hard truth is their will never, NEVER be peace in the Middle East. These people put no value on the lives of their loved ones or themselves. They will never be satisfied with any division of lands. They will attack any U.S. or Israeli target they can from now until the end of time because they believe it is divine to do so. Why we put up with them in our own country is just beyond my comprehension. We aren't even suppose to single them out in airports for security checks. How absurd is that?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The only call for restraint in descriptions that I've made is from one user toward another user. There is no place for insulting rudeness in that way. Disagreeing is fine and pointing out alternative viewpoints is fine. Labeling the useless members of the legislature as such in conjunction with a thread discussion is also fine as far as I'm concerned. I pointed out their ignorance of history and called them useless because of it. I stand by that. I called most of them, including Bush, useless because they are openly inviting criminal aliens to illegally enter our nation with the promise of amnesty. I am disgusted by that. I have zero respect for the domestic policy that allows it and those promoting it. They are traitors to this nation. As soon as the vote on it is finished every single one of those voting to allow it should be thrown out of office and have their citizenship stripped from them. They are not fit to call themselves Americans. Neither are those working to stop the war by defunding which serves to take needed armor and supplies away from the troops. Obama and the entire defunding gang should be stripped of their citizenship as well but also should be transported to Iraq on one way tickets.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Expert Expediter
"The demise started long ago when prayer and disipline was taken out of the schools and it's been going downhill ever since. Theres no respect and honour out there any more! To-days generation no nothing of these traits! Do you remember when we called the teacher sir? or when the principal walked into class we stood at attention? Thats is all gone now."

Good post, Ontario!

I think term limits is long over due...


Veteran Expediter
Would that be ALL the people from the Middle East?I'm afraid you are suffering from the same condition Bush suffers from.He way over estimated the threat after 911.It is a handful of people who represent the real threat,and they have not tried again as they are not funded or orginized here.No Bin Laudin money availabe at this time.We shut down his bank accounts .Good move!Another 911 has not happened,not as a result of the war on terror.There just are not enough people of any pursuation that have the inititive and means and $$$$ to try it again.We have taken minimal means to make getting on planes safer,and bugged the phone calls of innocent civilians.Do you call that a war on terror?
You don't serve yourself well by incriminating the entire populace of a region of the world.Unless you really believe what you are saying.
That kind of thinking does rile people.
It's why the Iraq war has created more terroists then we could have dreamed of.Fan the fire,pour on some gasoline,invade a powerless country, then call them ALL worthless killers and you bet you will pi** some people off.
I think it was Dan Quail who made the now infamous statement about brain cells and the relationship to how they are an unfortunate thing.
I don't recall the inexact wording,but blaming an entire region of the world might fall into a catagory bording along these lines.Nothing personal my friend,just quoting a former Republican scholar.


Expert Expediter
>Would that be ALL the people from the Middle East?I'm afraid
>you are suffering from the same condition Bush suffers
>from.He way over estimated the threat after 911.It is a
>handful of people who represent the real threat,and they
>have not tried again as they are not funded or orginized
>here.No Bin Laudin money availabe at this time.We shut down
>his bank accounts .Good move!Another 911 has not
>happened,not as a result of the war on terror.There just are
>not enough people of any pursuation that have the inititive
>and means and $$$$ to try it again.

Wrong, They have lots of funding, among them drugs. This is from:

Funding Terrorism: Sources and Methods
Rachel Ehrenfeld
Director – American Center for Democracy & the New York City Center for the Study of Corruption and the rule of the Law (CSC), New York, USA

How many people across America would believe that two such beautiful plants as the poppy and the coca were responsible for funding September 11? Not many people realize that these same two plants are more valuable than diamonds, emeralds, platinum, and gold combined. Illegal drugs are cheap to make but they return enormous amounts of

Illegal drugs are marketable almost everywhere. The illicit drug trade is the most reliable source of income in the world, with a demand that is constant and continues to grow. Illegal drug money funds terrorist organizations and activities. The terrorists point to our willingness to consume these drugs as direct evidence of our society’s moral degeneracy. According to an estimate from the State Department Office for International Narcotics Matters, the production of 1 kilo of cocaine costs about $3,000. The wholesale price of that kilo is about $20,000. Cocaine production takes as long as the leaves grow, and in
Colombia, Peru, and especially Bolivia, they grow fast. Opium can be cultivated twice a year in Asia and the Middle East and at least three to four times in Mexico and Colombia because of the tropical climate.

The production of heroin is more expensive than cocaine. It costs about $4,000 to $5,000 to produce a kilo of heroin. That kilo will sell for $250,000 to $300,000 wholesale. The drugs are delivered only after the money for them is paid in full. Losing drugs in shipment does not affect the dealers because they have already been paid. Largely, the drug syndicates keep 80 percent of the revenues. According to figures released by the State Department (2001), there was over 5,000 metric tons of cocaine sold during 2001 at a street value of at least fifty billion dollars. Five hundred metric tons of heroin generated at least thirty billion dollars on the street during that same timeframe.

Since the Taliban took over Afghanistan, heroin production has soared each year. In 1999 alone, the world production of heroin was estimated at 500 metric tons with 400 of those produced by the Taliban, allowing the availability of funds to bin Laden and his associates worldwide.

The Taliban, Al Qaeda, and bin Laden do not and will not acknowledge the role of heroin as their major source of funding terrorism, if only because it contradicts Islamic tenets. However, bin Laden, as well as the Hizballah had issued special fatwas to justify and allow the use of the drug trade to their followers. Other illegal drugs such as cocaine, hashish, and methamphetamines that have the exact same role for worldwide terrorist organizations — many of which cooperate with bin Laden — are also not acknowledged as weapons in the terrorists’ arsenal.

Bin Laden’s Al Qaeda, like other terrorist organizations, uses the same methods and means as organized crime. The Italian Mafia, like the Russian Mafiya, and other criminal organizations are often cooperating with the terrorists. Their activities range from trading in illegal drugs, diamonds, counterfeit money, identification papers, pirated CD’s and videos, stolen cars, people smuggling, and prostitution rings, to manipulating the markets and orchestrating multi-million dollar fraud schemes. These and more were documented throughout the nineties by the British National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS).



Veteran Expediter
Yes,as I pointed out,the drugs are here.It's the terroists that are in short supply.They are exporting evil,and I'm sure planning for the next attack.I just don't give this administration all the credit they think they have coming for the lack of an attack.I think it's a bunch of talk,money being misspent,and a lot of luck.


Seasoned Expediter
Do you really believe we are privy to every threat that is thwarted? Get your head out of the sand and face up to the fact that followers of Islam are evil and have murder in their hearts. These are the middle easterners I refer to. Yes, I would kick every last Islamic out of our country along with every illegal alien. Put that in your liberal pipe and smoke it. I'm not ashamed of those feelings either and if you want to campare me to Bush so be it.


Veteran Expediter
as usual you are right on target...It is unfortunate that many of us cannot see the big picture. I guess it is just human nature to pick one side and bash the other...


Seasoned Expediter
"Sounds like a code pink from a little scaredy cat"

Not familiar with that code... Must be some kind "San Fran" reference we dirt farmers here in Georgia don't know about...


Seasoned Expediter
Interesting, but I fail to see how it might relate to anything I said. Perhaps I am just too dense to get it...