The declaration of dependence


Seasoned Expediter
We hold these truths to be self-evident,that all people should be made equal.That they are endowed by their government, with certain unalienable rights.Among these are jobs,healthcare and housing.That to secure these rights, government must rule over the people,deriving their just powers,from the consent of the elite.That whenever the people become destructive of these ends,it is the right of the elite to alter or to abolish it.To institute more government.Laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect the power and controll of the elite.
We therefore the representatives of the political elite,in faculty lounges assembled,appealing to the UNITED NATIONS for the rectitude of our intentions,do in the name and by the authority of government,solemnlyand declare that the AMERICAN PEOPLE ought to be governed by the UNITED NATIONS.
That they are absolved from all allengiance to the constitution and that all political connection between them and the founding fathers is and ought to be totally dissolved.
That as highly-taxed and dependent states they have full powers to levey taxes,disrupt peace,contract new departments and angencies,regulate commerce,and to do all other acts and things which the political elite may of right to do.
For the support of this DECLARATION OF DEPENDENCE,with a firm reliance on the protection of the establishment media,WE MUTUALLY DEMAND YOUR LIVES,YOUR FURTUNES AND YOUR SACRED HONOR.:eek:

What is sad is that the man in the white house would be happy to have it this way.What is even more sad is that the blind sheep can see what is going on and yet dont relize what is really at stake.They really belive Obama when he says he knows what is good for them therefor they should not question him on his plans.:D

on a different not I did not write this found it on a site not sure who wrote it did not say on the site.