Thanks to the PTL Drivers


Staff member
Motor Carrier Executive
Safety & Compliance
Carrier Management
Thanks to all the PTL drivers that made that effort to attend the driver's meeting on January 18. Hopefully you got your fill of crispy bacon, danishes, nice soft eggs, sausage and all the other goodies. Meeting content was expertly handled by Kristin Franks, Dan Questschke, Matt Butler, Eric Shoup and Mr. Greg Varn from Marvin Johnson and Associates.

Look at the new and revised website which recently overwent a thorough overall by Nikki McClure and the sales staff. The new site is really awesome and has many added features. Check the site often for new training modules and news to keep you abreast and in the news. Visit Welcome

Thank you drivers for all you do - the entire staff of PTL sincerely appreciates you! We're always here to help.


Veteran Expediter
And for those of us that didn't make it, Did anyone keep minutes of the meeting for distribution so we don't have to depend on driver rumor for updates or what was covered? I understand it was a informative meeting.

(P.S. No need to distribute left over breakfast..Most of us ate that day anyways):cool:
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