Thank You, Fed Ex Corporation!


Expert Expediter
A story of thanks,

It was three years ago when my wife and I arrived at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. I was growing weaker every day with an incurable terminal disease and death seemed certain within months.
We had come to the Mayo to undergo an extremely risky procedure involving mega doses of chemotherapy followed by a Stem Cell transplant. I was given a 50/50 chance of surviving the procedure which we hoped would stall the disease progression and provide a few more years of precious life.

I survived the 6 weeks of grueling treatment and every imaginable complication. I attribute that to the commitment of some of the very best Doctors and Nurses in the world along with the tireless support and care from my wife who refused to leave my side.

During our stay there was much talk about the new World Class facility that they were building nearby. This new facility would be state of the art and help them save more lives.

This past October, my wife and I went to visit our team of Doctors and Nurses in their brand new hospital. They are always thrilled when one of their survivor success stories walks in. As we approached the entrance to the transplant wing, we saw a single ceiling mounted spot light shining down upon raised gold lettering neatly placed onto a backdrop of polished maple wood paneling.

As we came closer we were able to read the following:

Fex Ex Corporation
Patient Pavilion

If we had ever had any doubts about contracting with Fed Ex Custom Critical, they went away at that moment. Now, whenever we get frustrated by “cheap freight” or “load opportunity” problems, we stop and reflect. We take solace in the fact that these efforts to maintain profitability may help our parent company to make donations which could help save others in the future.