It's a Team's Life Team Driving


Staff member
On Time Media Staff
What shift do you drive and do you have a set schedule? Are you a morning person, night person, or an all night person? Coming up with a sound driving plan can mean the success of a team operation.

As team drivers we very seldom have to change our sleep patters as many solo drivers do day in and day out. Sometimes a solo can start their day very early and then switching it around and starting their day very late.

Learning to sleep in a moving vehicle is not easy for most, but learning to sleep when we would normally be awake is an art form.



Veteran Expediter
Learning to sleep what's that all about? I need to learn to sleep while driving! As a solo I tried to pick a time to drive and a sleep time each week so as to rotate my patterns but like anything expedite it just won't work! Way to unpredictable.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Linda Caffee is spot on in stressing the importance of mastering your sleep as an expediter. It's a safety thing. It's a revenue thing. It's a quality of life thing.

While the regulators prefer a one-size-fits-all approach to driver rest, sleep is a highly individualized experience. It pays to study what others do to manage their sleep. It pays to read online what experts and others say about it. Discovering one thing that you may not have otherwise tried can make a huge positive difference.

Caffee shares a number of her techniques. While we never tried putting lavender oil on the soles of our feet to help us relax, we found high-quality blindfolds made a huge difference when we wanted to sleep during the day. They were comfortable to wear and they eliminated the need to darken the truck. Because they were handy and easy to use, they got used and improved our sleep anytime we wanted to snooze during the day.