TA fuel discount/Driver Council


Expert Expediter
On the Panther driver web page under refrences, TA fuel discounts...if i read correctly, this is supposed to be updated daily.
It has not been updated since 1-09-07.

I sent a message to the driver council on the 19th of Jan regarding this. Now, I find out it has not even been read by the receipient yet. Nor has the TA fuel discount page been updated....hmmm........anyone know the reason for this? I could see if this was a dispatcher ignoring us..LOL

How can we get things resolved if the members are not reading our messages??


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The fuel pricing is updated on the web and will be correct from now on. When it was changed over from a daily email to a website item there was a mixup on who would be doing the daily update. All parties are now informed and a specific person is going to do the updates.

Some posts on the website don't show up for some reason, at least to me. When I open them all I see is an empty window. IT is looking into that too and hopefully it will be straightened out before too long. That may be why you aren't seeing responses when you think you should.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.

Bob and Hooligan

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member

I agree with Leo. Panther is having some growing pains with the new web. My messages seem to dissapear shortly after I post them. I know that the council members are aware of this and have advised the company of the problem.

Hang in there.

Bob and Hooligan