Right or wrong


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Signed on with a big expedite co. with a van in Sept. felt really fortunate that I got on with them. Some weeks sit 2 or almost 3 days. Have had three under $900 weeks since Sept. Week before last did only $155 by Thursday evening. (Have turned down only 1 load since I started and that one would have been a REAL stinker, with deadhead to PU and then deadheading out of the dead area it delivered to would have been around 42cpm). To get over $1000 a week have taken Saturday nite loads which I figure are part of the expediting game, but oftentimes DH over 100 miles to the PU and there are big cities closer to these loads where there must be other expediters. But I'm glad to get the revenue. Thought I would do a little better financially. One experienced expediter told me to hang in there they just wanted to see what I'm made of. Not whining, I went into this with my eyes open and prepared for years financially to do this, so I'm not into the blame game/thumb sucking/pity party mode.Ready to pull plug as I thought this was the busy time of year. What do I need to do to make this work better, or am I expecting to much?




Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Way too soon to pull the plug. Big Companies are not looking at you individually to see what you are made of. To them you are simply a number and why not. Smaller oufits can have the time to look at you on a individual basis but they don't have the freight.Hang in there and you will learn the ropes for the carrier you are with.There will be good weeks and bad like in any business.I have often wondered what it is like for someone with a retail establishment selling something to have no one come through the door that day. Good luck..


Staff member

I guess the best and honest advice I could share with you would be this...

1. Your in business now - BE PAITENT!
Unlike any job you have had before - this one has risks. You already mentioned that you only grossed $150 in a week. You took a "hit" that week - but so does any other business owner from time to time.

You will on the other hand most likely hit a week or two before Christmas were you will gross $1800 - $2500 - that will make up for the few hits you took on early.

This is expediting - don't lose heart.

2. Watch your expenses like a hawk
It is in these times that you may become bored and spend some extra time in Wal-Mart, The Truck Stop or God forbid the CherryMasters...LOL Watch every penny. Conserve, Conserve, Conserve!

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Glen Rice

Veteran Expediter
Congrats on your attitude! That makes the difference between a driver wants to call and one that just might get over looked. No you don't need to suck up, but ask for there guidance. Maybe you need to go to a little more productive area and not stay close to home. The big citys are doing great. I don't know where you "like to run". Just a thought, how about trying Atlanta, Chicago, or even Newark Nj. What do you think? And again keep it positive. Also try not to get in with the whiners that sit around and bad mouth expediting. You are better than that! You are a professional! Best of luck and please write often and tell us what works for you, if you don't mind?


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Hang in there the fourth quarter is a busy time for expediting. You will have good weeks and bad weeks. Watch your overhead this is crucial. Judge your business monthly. Watch for trends quartely. Keep track of P/U when in that area place yourself close to that company in prime expediting hours for runs 15:00 to 18:30. Also Holiday's are coming up if you can work during them you will be busy. Allot of drivers take off to be with family then,so companies are looking for trucks. I always worked Thanksiving,Christmas,and Easter received good runs with good pay also was able to negotiate with dispatch on deadhead pay,less than 75 status and other things.


Veteran Expediter
Let me just tell you, like others have, you are in business. I have owned retail stores and I am in Expediting. My retail went out of business after three years. I am going to go right to the point and be blunt, so if you are offended I am sorry. Being your own boss and in business can flat out suck. The stress is unreal when you have no idea where the money is coming from and if it is coming. You have to make your business work. No one will make it work for you. The first thing you need to understand is where does the freight come from that your compnay hauls. Then get there in every state you are in. Don't even think about going home. Stay out. Bug the hell out of the dispatch group or a driver rep/relations person, whomever is right in your company, about staying loaded. That does not mean call them and ask time after time for a load. Tell them you are ready to go. Ask them if you are properly located. If not ask them where you would be better off. You have got to sell yourself. Make your self known and remember the squeaky wheel will get greased. If you are sitting two and three days a week this time of year and you are with a decent company, that is your fault.If you are not running your business that is your fault. You have got to stay on top of this stuff on an hourly basis. Many folks will tell you not to bug dispatch. Well let me just say this. While you are sitting for two and three days and making no money, dispatch is at work getting a paycheck. They are paid to put freight on your truck. If they dont like you calling and looking to be loaded, you sure as hell are with the wrong company and it would not take me long to drive to the front door and explain to them why you are headed to someone who sees they make money when you make money. This is your business. Don't be shy and do not be a fool and go broke while everyone tells you to be patient and not to bug dispatch. Squeak man! Squeak! Having said all that you do need to learn when you must be patient. It is a skill learned over time. My retail business went belly up while I sat there patiently waiting for people to walk through my door. I no longer wait. Best of luck and apoligize to all who are saying to themselves "That Raceman, what a%$H*&^. Maybe but I am butI am not failing. Get loaded and run hard or find another company. raceman


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
You did not say what company you leased with and the places where you have been sitting, so I will speak from the point of being with FedEx CC.

We have locations that you will be lucky to find one run a week and others where they have run out of trucks by 10 AM. You have to find out whether the area usually has freight for vans, or not. For example, we have some express centers where our E units get loads before they arrive, but may not ever have a van load. You have to find out where the hotspots are for your company, and some of those nights when you're empty, d/h to them so you can get work the next day.

Vernon in C2197