It's a Team's Life Riding the Roller Coaster


Staff member
On Time Media Staff
Our day, week, and month can be as if going on a long roller coaster ride. The wait can be compared to a roller coaster climbing a hill slowly and then rocketing down the other side. We wait and we wait and we wait for the phone to ring as we pace, look for things to occupy our time, and sink lower and lower into the doldrums. Then in a second after the phone rings or the Omnitracs dings the wait goes from being forlorn to smiling, anticipating, and the thrill of the truck going down the road to pickup a load. Down in the dumps to exhilarated in seconds.

The decent or the downhill side of the track can be only seconds or it can last for what seems like hours as the next load can go only a few mile to over 3000 miles before delivering. The true expediter load is a ASAP pickup with a straight through delivery and often the customer can track our truck, seeing when we stop, and our last location. These straight through loads have enough time built into them to run below the speed limit, take the required ½ hour break, and fuel the truck but not much time for anything else as the customer is often waiting on the expedite truck to keep production going.
