

Expert Expediter
Well gang had one of them recaps go on me last night. My treadwear is
still good on all the others, and I beleive the tire gave out from some other factor by the way it had blown. My queston is with about 90K on them should I start to look for another blowout, or start replacing with same (ReCaps) or go New. New=Ouch, got tamden axle's (8)Tires

TranStewart #6680
Stand Tall & Be Proud


Seasoned Expediter
the main reason caps blow is that they are underinflated, I had over 300,thousand on my last set and they were still on the truck when I traded it, Also I prefer michlin caps on michlin casings and I use cats eyes to moniter the pressure and they equilize the pressure between the two tires.


Expert Expediter
Like underinflation, it is commonplace to get things to puncture in to truck tires on the road and in lots and cause blowouts. Happens with both caps and virgin tires alike. Mudflap


Expert Expediter
I have always been leary of the ReCaps since this is my first time riding on them. I try to check the tire pressure every weekend or when sitting for an extended perod of time( not just tire thumpping). Re-checked them all the next morning after blowout and the pressure's were all ok @ 100-105 psi.

I think I may have picked up something that caused the blowout, and was told to never ride under-nflated. Gotta check out out the cat's eye's when i get a chance. And it's good to know you can get that kind of mileage out of them...thanks Riverrat / Mudflap

TranStewart #6680
Stand Tall & Be Proud