Promoting EO and the Industry


Veteran Expediter
While getting my 70 back twice in one week, do we really need more competition? If your running flat out and turning loads down cause your out of hours than great. Am I one of the only ones starting a fresh log book? I love running till I can't cause I am out of hours.
Do others feel the same?

Business is good do not get me wrong, but real busy, busy enough to not be bored at times, to many times?

How many companies are now in operation? I thought last I heard almost 250.

How many Vans?

Straight Trucks?


I have no idea as to these #s.


Veteran Expediter

250? I would think with everyone who can use a computer and a phone could now be a expediting company.

Well I can't say what I really feel, someone's feelings will get hurt so I will shut up.


Expert Expediter
You bet someone with a good idea can have competition within a week. Thanks to the computer. advertising, everything ..the money made in this business was already made.. Like the wrecker business in atlanta.. anyone can buy a wrecker and run the roads ..anyone can run a van..and with a little effort,and a minimal liscence can run a straight we'll see.. these companies P11 Fed x,, they can have a few run a lot or a lot run a long as its delivered they are covered.