Prayer & Thoughts


Staff member
I just wanted to convey my shock, horror and sadness at the events of the past few hours. Who could possibly carry out a dastardly act as this?

Once we are over the shock we hope to see swift and sure justice on those who committed these horrific crimes.

Our prayers and thoughts are with the victims and their loved ones.

God Bless America,
Expediters Online.Com


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Amen, and Amen, Lawrence!

One of the ways each of us can help would be to give blood ~ i understand that O- (O negative) is the universal type, because it can be given to anyone, but all of us could give plasma.

Also, i know most of us don't have much "extra" cash just lying about, but anything we could give to the Red Cross would be better than nothing...

Godspeed to all of you out there on the highways and byways!


It's difficult to put into words all the
thoughts and feelings that I'm sure
we all share and have experienced
on this, one of the darkest days in
American history.

As I write this, it's barely 12 hours
since the attack on the World Trade
Center began this national nightmare.
Just like millions of other Americans did
at their places of work, we watched the
events of the day unfold on the television
here at the office.

Out of the thousands of images that
flashed across the screen, there were
some that are now indelibly etched in
our minds; the airliner banking into
the second tower, the sight of first
one, then the other tower crashing
to the ground, the images of the
bleeding, ash-covered victims being
cared for by emergency personnel,
the scenes from the Pentagon of the
firefighters trying to quell the inferno.

Accompanying these mind-numbing
images was the narration of the dozens
of news anchors and reporters telling
of the heroic efforts of police, firefighters
and paramedics trying to assist the
victims. At this early stage, it's been
reported that there might have been
as many as 200 firefighters and 60
police officers lost in the collapse of
one of the towers; one report said that
entire companies of firemen are missing.

I'm also sure that as the American people
watched the news coverage of this cowardly
attack, we were all seething with an intense
hatred towards the bastards behind this
unprovoked assault on unsuspecting
men, women and children.

The news media has made many comparisons
of today's events to the attack on Pearl
Harbor almost 60 years ago. I'm afraid
however, that this terrorist attack has inflicted
what will be an even deeper wound on this nation
because it was directed at the American
people themselves; not a military target, just
average people going to work on an ordinary

By most news accounts, the death toll from
this murderous attack will be staggering; only
in the next few days and weeks will we realize the
complete extent of the horror of this day.
As shocking as the Oklahoma City bombing was
to the national consciousness, I fear that it
will pale in comparison to the number of souls
who were lost today.

The people of On Time Media and Expediters
Online. com wish to offer heartfelt condolences
to all of those Americans who have suffered
at the hands of our nation's enemies. Our
thoughts, prayers and tears go out to you.

God Bless all of you and God Bless America.

Jeff Jensen


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I wopuld like to add my Amen to your thoughts and prayers. These people or organizations that commit these cowardly acts should study our history first.The United States has always had a diverse and conflicting set of opinions and values until tragedy strikes our Nation.Then we come together as a Country United as never before.I was moved last night watching our Congress sing God Bless America. Both Democrats and Republicans putting aside their agendas in order to have the Country come first.It has always been that way and will always be that way.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I'll also extend my condolences to the dead and the living. The dead are in a better place, I hope, and the living now have the dreadful job of trying to understand why this has happened. I have no doubt that the animals who did this will be hunted down and exterminated like the vermin they are. Jim Bunting.