One handed Push up Challenge


Veteran Expediter
Any of You Super Truckers want to callenge me in one handed push up contest. Im in Memphis AR Petro.

Or even a sit up contest

Or even a 5 mile run.

Im bored to tears. HO HUMM



Not a Member
I'm no body builder but I am 6'4" 275lbs pure hard working country boy,how bout I tie ya ina knott and you see how long it takes ya to get out, that auta keep ya busy awhile and give ya a good work out:D


Veteran Expediter
How about a challenge for an essay writing contest where no spelling, grammatical or other errors are allowed?

Kidding aside, we all have our strengths and weaknesses, attributes and faults.. eh?
Some just more than others :)


Not a Member
:rolleyes:PJ,PJ,PJ,I did say country boy,maybe I should have said southern boy but either way I was just kiddin"Whoops"kidding,he's welcome at my home any time.Me and my brother"darn",My brother and I could play catch with him(litteraly)or show him how to bench press a 72 VW superbeetle:D


Seasoned Expediter
witch arm do i get to use left, right, or center oh wait thats the kick stand mmmmmmm


Not a Member
Wasn't referring to you Cruzer.

No offence taken,I know I don't spell to good or use the right grammer but momma still loves me and thats all that matters to me.I was just playin with ya,it's hard some times to express a sence of humor to people that don't know ya.Don't be mad,just playin around on here tryin to turn some frowns :( upside down :)