On the beach.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
A Frenchman and a Yougarian were on a crowded beach.
The Frenchman was surrounded by several beautiful women, all giving him lots of attention.
The Yougarian was alone, everyone, especially the women, were completely ignoring him.
The Frenchman left to go to the snack wagon, so the Yougarian followed him, tapped him on the shoulder and said, "Excuse me, but you seem to attract all the women and yet none will even come close to me. Could you tell me your secret?".
The Frenchman replied, "Try putting a potato in your bathing suit".
The Yougarian thanked him, and the next day, did just that.
Still the women avoided him, in fact, they seemed even further distant than the day before.
When the Frenchman again went to the snack wagon, the Yougarian once more followed.
"You remember what you told me yesterday", he said, "Well it isn't working, in fact it's far worse, what else can you suggest?".
The Frenchman responded, "Try putting the potato in the FRONT of your bathing suit"!!!!!!!!!!!!