Newbie Introduction & Seeking Advice


Veteran Expediter
My research is showing more like $3K / month net to the new team (after deducting 30% for taxes, etc.). I would hope that is obtainable, I try to look at the low side of things and if things turn out better, great.


A word of caution to a newbee.

Have you figured all in youre expenses? Fuel, insurance, maintenance, bridges/tolls, IFTA, and highway use taxes for states like New York and others they charge per mile driven in that state.
How about dock and lumper fees? Yep, some receivers make you pay just so you can deliver thier freight. NEVER BELIVE WHAT A RECRUITER SAYS TO YOU Especialy when they talk about money.
Try to have a addendum to your contract that allows you to broker out if your carrier cant keep you bussy or you are parked in a lousey area. Some carriers will allow it as long as they have first call on the truck. Walk away from those who refuse to allow you to cover yourself.
An option that I have found is working a local / regional area for a couple of regular customers that are willing to pay a realistic rate for excellent service. I stay near home average 150 - 300 mile radius I make more money than driving all over the road, and 95% of the time I sleep in my own bed. Feel free to PM me if you want advice on how to do this.

Good luck
Bob Wolf


Seasoned Expediter
Bob, thanks, good info there! Because of the stuff you point out, obviously it would be good to get some good experience driving for a fleet owner starting out and which is what I plan to do, my number was what I was hoping a new team could put in the bank at the end of the month, the other stuff is money that would go to the truck.



Active Expediter
TruckingSurv- It's Southwest Truck Driver Training. You need your B, regardless what you train on. They have a campus in Phoenix as well as Vegas. (good excuse for a vacation) They train you on a passenger tour bus. You need a Passenger End. I went to the DMV and got my permit for all this. The bus is an automatic as well so your licence will have that restriction on it. Expediter Services says that is ok! It is $1100.00 per person if you go through with someone else, wife...etc. Kinda high...but good deal overall. They have DMV third party testers that test you at the end of the day, and if you fail, they will re-test you for free.

Most O/O that put drivers in there trucks with pay for Gas, Tolls, maintenance oil changes, etc. That's at least what Expediter Services does, as well as what I'v read in many of the classified's on this website.

Correct me anyone if I am wrong please....I'm trying to cover all my basis before we start with Fed Ex hopefully at the beginning of June. Any other advise would be great to. I'm sure being in Oregon you will appreciate this question, but living in Las Vegas, will getting home once a month be feasible?



Active Expediter
The passenger End...for any that ask, is my back-up plan. Since I do live in Vegas, if I fail at Expediting at least I can come back to Vegas and shuttle Tourists around....there's always an abundance of those!



Veteran Expediter
TS and rymilburn,

I would start out solo in a cargo van first; just to get the feel of the expediting lifestyle. By the time you are trying to get the A or B licenses, get hired and trained, it might be months down the road.

After a month or so on the road, you should have enough "real" info about the expediting's lifestyle, what type of truck you want to be in and a glimpse of the true financial pictures in this business(you will meet and learn more from other drivers at the truck stops and on the EO Forum).

Then you can discuss your findings and opinions with your spouse/fiance to see if this is what both of you want to do.

In my opinion, this strategy is cheaper and easier to get in or get out if it doesn't work out.

Best of luck,
