New Business Venture


Veteran Expediter

Working with a carpenter to begin work on "Destiny I"


Veteran Expediter
The pic is of a 6 passenger island hopping boat.

Ours will be a 10-14 passenger boat that has a toilet because it s required for overnight island adventures.

You can charge a high rate on the overnight trips.

And if the boat is not full, I will ride along just for the fun of being on the water again.


Active Expediter
A toilet huh? Where that going to be,fore or aft,covered or uncovered? Next is the waste staying onboard or are you going out 25 miles from shore so you can pump over the side? Ships pump their waste 25 miles out from shore.Sounds nasty when you think about the seafood you eat,huh? Sorry I'm old sailor.....just wondering. LOL