Nancy asked a qeustion and she got an answer


Veteran Expediter
Well she got a lot of answers to be exact, 10,450 last count.

Today I hit the home page, yahoo and I see a picture of this ugly old lady (see at the bottom of my post) and this quip.

Nancy Pelosi asks ...

"Congress is working on legislation to address global warming. What should be included?"

Well I thought, seeing that many of the Yahoo crowd are ultra liberal, there would be really good answers to this sort of hard problem.

The one answer I liked was this;

There is no doubt that technology for human powered vehicles and design will allow for personal, social, cultural change. The bicycle is the reason paved roads, maps, and road signs became popular. I would like to see Congress step up and account for costs to the environment, personal and social well being of the gas power culture. Provide real incentive for people to not drive. I ride my bike to work 22 miles a day - I save $1000.00's of dollars a year and hundreds of tons of CO.

Can Congress ride bikes? Will Congress reward me for riding my bike? Will Congress provide leadership for the community of planet earth?

Thanks for the question, but what I want included people probably have to choose to do for themselves. Legislating right action historically has always been in response to selfish choices.

And here is another

Madame Speaker,

I am sickened to think a speaker of the US HR is posting questions on Yahoo threads, that said I would ask congress to consider scientific validity as key points when discussing legislation.

Either "you" believe in Global Warming as the Gospel according the Hi Pope of ecomarxism (Al Gore) or you are a heretic and "hate" the planet.
Based on the number of negative votes I guess I am a heretic.

1st, I was an conservationist prior to the ecomarxist takeover of the environmental movement, I believe fully in conservation, and preservation within a degree of common sense economics. I am educated in natural resource issues. And believe common sense economics and conservation CAN exist together.

The public and politicians are misguided and ill informed.

It is not a crisis as "they" (Al Gore and his ilk) want you to believe. The earth is self healing an climate change is cyclical. For crying outloud!! People, quit Drinking the ecomarxist koolaid before you sell our Country out to UN bureaucrats!!!

The current ecomarxists, yourself included are attempting to create an environment of fear for one reason, Control.

The "validity" of evidence based on 100 yr of temperature is amateurish at best. If you are to "address" the "climate change" issue don't think many people with knowledge of real climate science will sit idly by and let you and your ilk make stupid decisions for imposing law on our country.

Common sense, 4.6 billion years of earths history contains records of warming and cooling, prior to man, and the miniscule of effect man may have on microclimate is virtually nothing of real concern.

Can you say "Medieval Warming Period?" and Early Holocene? Perhaps have your staff research the topic with some objectivity instead of an agenda based on your personal quest for power and control.