More Headlines from 2029


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
1 Expediters Online management proudly anounces that the membership is now 25,001 active members.

2 Rumors are going through the EO community that UPS will buy Panther VI.

3 At the July Expo the On time Televison Network broadcat a spirted debate from Tall Cal vs Greg as too the next President,Chelesa Clinton or Jenna Bush. It was disclosed at the end of the debate that Monica Lewinsky had joined Cheslea Clinton's campaign as a Senior Advisor as too how to bring out the 50 plus Male vote.

4 Due to major protests and demonstrations by the Rev Jessie Jackson Jr and the Reverend Al Sharpton Jr ,Fedexcc will crate a Black/Glove division. Trucks that get qualified for this divison will be required to be painted black. The countries of Mex/Tex and Mexafornia immediately close their borders to Fedex until a suitable division name can be agreeded by Fedexcc and the contries involved. A committe of EO members headed by long time Mod Leo has been formed to explore what name would be appropiate.

5 The EO Community is stunned to read a new thread from the A Team that is only two sentences long.