Men of Honor


Seasoned Expediter
Must they be removed?

General Lee had more integrity, valor, and wisdom, than all officers combined in this battle IMHO. Is this why his memory and principle must be removed, eventually?

U.S. Army mulls wiping out memory of Robert E. Lee, 'Stonewall' Jackson - Washington Times

Slap in the face, is this quote from a most ignorant (perhaps deliberate) researcher....

"she said, adding that the portraits were rehung on a third-floor hallway. “[Lee] was certainly not good for the nation. This is the guy we faced on the battlefield whose entire purpose in life was to destroy the nation as it was then conceived. … This is all part of an informed discussion.”

Entire purpose was to destroy a nation? Not that it would matter to anyone here, but Lee was not only a Christian leader, he was a man who knew what this nation was supposed to be.

Remembering Robert E. Lee ?

To be on with the bad? Perhaps we need to get rid of the good?