Longest living president - Ford - Died at 93


Veteran Expediter
I think if Nixon had of been more honest about his actions he could have defused a second rate,bungled break in.But he stumbled and tried to cover it up.He is loved in China to this day,and is seen as the best American President of the 20th Century.I often eat in his favorite duck restraunt in Bejing.Best duck in the city.The walls are covered with pictures of Nixon the Great.
He also took the fall for Sprio Agnew and John Mtichell,who were decidedly shaky charectors.When it happens on your watch,you take the biggest hit,such was the case with Nixon.
Also,the taping I think left a bad taste in people mouth for years.Not that other Presidents did'nt tape,he just got caught,similar to Bill.Not the first,but the first to get caught.In both case's,the other side went to town,and when the dust settled,we had a new President in one case,and a besmirged reputation in the other.I do hope the division can began to heal,but the big difference now is the media,both Fox and all the others are being bank rolled to keep the fever pitch at a high level.This is unfortunate,as the players are all actors and entertainers,and the public buys into it and yells and stomps up and down about Kieth,and Bill,and Rush etc.
The real thinking person puts them off their radar and works from the middle out,either to the left or the right.But these guys start at the extreme ends and nibble their way to the center,never getting even close.
You asked,my 2 cents worth.