It's a Team's Life I am anti Business You might be too : It's a Teams Life


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On Time Media Staff
I read those headlines on a Seth Godin blog and I thought what in the world is he talking about now?

Seth Godin's blog started out with the following paragraphs:

A hundred and fifty years ago, when people finally began organizing to eliminate child labor in American factories, they were called anti-business. There was no way, the owners complained, that they could make a living if they couldn't employ ultra-cheap labor. In retrospect, I think businesses are glad that kids go to school--educated workers make better consumers (and citizens).

The term anti-business actually seems to mean, "against short-term waste, harmful side effects and selfish shortcuts." Direct marketers were aghast when people started speaking out against spam, but of course, in the long run, ethical direct marketers came out ahead.