How many of You are a displaced Factory worker


Expert Expediter
I'm asking this because with the US opening up the border into Mexico we all may be seeing this to be the case for us. I personally have a job to go back to I would have to go back to school for a while to refresh and I would have to retake my state board test I was a RN before I went into trucking. Ive been doing this for 27 yrs, and I absolutly love driving. I left the nursing because I hated it. It wasn't the caring for people I hated it was the lack of patient care I hated. The moving them thru like they were a bunch of cattle. I will do what I have to do. We are from Michigan and we have so many friends and family that are displaced from there jobs moving out of the country and them not being able to find another job. So Many of them are in there Fifties and most employers feel they are to old to hire them. Don't tell me about the laws of age discrimination no one needs a reason not to hire you. So what will you do next if our industry is the next victim. Yes I know that the Mexico trucks and Drivers will not take up all of the industry but it will take a big bite. Who will survive and who won't and at what cost. To me this is very scary. When our Neighbors to the North came into the US it didn't bother me at all because we could go there and be safe. They are on the same playing field that we are, with there Laws and Culture. Mexico is not, will not, and never will be at that level. We all know it. I don't see how you can bring a third world country to our level of living but I do see how we can be brought down to there level. In a earlier thread someone said you give money to the poor they will still be poor. I'm not talking about these people I'm talking about the ones that work hard everyday planned for retirement and may have that taken from them in there fifties to young to retire and to old to get into a viable job. Not everyone is lucky enough have made a fortune. This wasn't from not tring or from lack of intelligence. A very few intrupenures make it to the upper level and when they do Luck had alot more to do with it then intelligence.