Hino Trucks and hills


Seasoned Expediter
Well I’m out in the Rockies this last week right now am near Spokane WA and the Hino is doing better than my international ever did, a little more hp might be nice but at what cost? I still think it needs that gear upgrade I’m going to find out the scoop on that this month I think because my fuel mileage drops from around 11 mpg to 9 when I am out where the speed limit is 75mph and about 9 ½ around 70 I know that’s not bad for a auto but I run with an identical Hino back in July with an auto and upgraded gears and she walked away from me up MT Eagle and we filled up before PU and after we dropped and she got better MPG by 3 MPG than I did we picked up same load at some place same weight if that gives you an idea of the difference. Hope the rep I talked to is right and it doesn’t affect the warrantee at all.
