greener pastures


Expert Expediter
sixwheeler 826 I recently left express-one for another carrier,which turn out to be a nightmare.The carrier told me he would be able to keep me busy,he was wrong.Turns out he wanted teams which is fine but,he should have told me this at time of interview.I trusted his word and came up short on my end.First week 2 runs,one to ohio then down to laredo,sat a week there.went to wisconsin then home.Left home for Kentucky,got another load to Virginia,delivered on wed.didnt leave there till following friday,which is when i made the decision to leave.He is a ok person,just wasnt right for me.You have to really think things through,the decission i made to leave
e-1 was wrong.cost me alot of time and money,i could possibly lose my truck over this.the gentlemen i am leasing from is very fair,but he also has other interests.So ladies and gentlemen think twice before roaming around.I am now back at e-1 and seems to be better than the first time.Good luck to all and DRIVE SAFE.

Sixwheeler 826 signing off! :+ :D :)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There is an article in one of the publications, Truckers News I think, that discusses changing companies. It goes into great detail about the costs and details how it can cost as much as $10,000 to change from one company to another. That would probably be a good article topic for the EO website or maybe Expedite Now.

Leo Bricker, owner trucks 3034, 4958
OOIDA 677319
73's K5LDB
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
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