Goodbye Fed Ex

Bob and Hooligan

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
After much thought, I have decided to leave Fed Ex, and try another company. Hooligan and I will still be doing expediting, but we will have a couple of cats on the side of our truck.

Hope all our friends will still stop and talk. We just couldn't put up will all the restrictions our friends in Akron were putting on us. This coupled with the fact, that we were not making any money made the decision to leave very easy.

Hope to see you all on the road soon.



Staff member
I don't think K-town will ever be the same!:eek:
Are you moving your entire fleet as well?

Best wishes and caviar dreams,;-)
Expediters Online.Com

PS Kipper says Bark, Bark!


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Hope you find what your looking for with the other guy. We all know the truth of the matter is,"if everyone would just turn the key to OFF for just one day (EVERYONE HAS TO DO IT), all those NIT-WIT ASSES that run those ferms may just wake-up and smell the coffee. Untill the nit-wits running the show are in danger of losing thier job, You the driver will continue to get the short end of the stick. In the eyes of the beholder(THE NIT-WITS) you are only another number for them to rob. Remember UNITED WE STAND!;-)Good Luck, Tony
Thanks, Tony
[email protected]